Alkan  - A Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled by Nicolas Bell, Selwyn College, Cambridge in March 1994 and is reproduced here with his kind permission.

This list excludes editions of Alkan’s music (other than those with introductory essays) and books and journals to which Alkan contributed music: these may be found in the forthcoming list of works, to be compiled by Hugh MacDonald and Britta Schilling. (The best work-list presently available is Luguenot 1991a in François-Sappey 1991a 283-301.) The bibliography is restricted to works pertaining directly to Alkan and aims to include every article printed, with the exception of most dictionary entries, record reviews and sleeve notes. (For references to record numbers, consult the discography, Hailstone 1990.) Only a few important articles in nineteenth-century journals are listed.


Ahn, J.

‘A stylistic evaluation of Charles Valentin Alkan’s piano music’ [lecture-recital: abstract in Dissertation abstracts international. Section A: the humanities (UMI, Ann Arbor) 50 (1989) 289]

Alkan, Charles Valentin

[letters to Ferdinand Hiller] in Sietz 1958, 1961a, 1964

[selections from letters] in Luguenot 1991b

Testament de M Morhange (dit Alkan) in Himelfarb 1986

[selections from archives] in François-Sappey 1991d

Alkan Society Bulletins 1(1977) -

Anderson, W. R.

‘Wireless notes’, Musical Times 79 (1938) 109-11

Arnould, Fr. Jacques

‘Un bâtisseur du temps’ in Francois-Sappey 1991a 253-62

Bartholemew, Jean

[translation of Bülow 1857] (n.d., typescript in Alkan Society collection)

Beck, Georges (ed.)

‘Ch. V. Alkan: œuvres choisies pour piano’, Le Pupitre 16 (Paris, 1969) iii-xi

Bellamann, Henry

‘The piano works of C. V. Alkan’, Musical Quarterly 10 (1924) 251-62

Bertha, A. de, [Sandor]

‘Ch. Valentin Alkan aîné: étude psycho-musicale’, Bulletin Française de la Société Internationale de Musique 5 (1909) 135-47

Biondi, M.

‘Note zu Alkan’, Nuova Rivista Musicale Italiana 24 (1990) 360-

Bloch, Joseph

Charles-Valentin Alkan: an undergraduate study undertaken at Harvard University (Indianapolis, privately printed, 1941)

Bolte, Theodore,

‘Charles Valentin Morhange Alkan zur 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages’, Neue Zeitschrift fürMusik 80 (1913) 665-8

Bouyer, Raymond,

‘A propos du ,,Festin d’Esope”’, Le Ménéstrel 69/35 (1903) 276f.

Brown, Peter

‘Lost cause?’ [review of Lewenthal recital], Music & Musicians 15/11 (1967) 41

Bülow, Hans von

‘C. V. Alkan, douze études pour le piano en 2 suites. Op. 35. Berlin et Posen, Bote & Bock.’, Neue Berliner Musikzeitung 11(1857) 273-6

Busoni, Ferruccio

‘C. V. Alkan aîné: Benedictus, Op. 54, tr. V. da Motta’, Der Klavierlehrer (1904) 282

Carner, Mosco

[preview to Petri broadcasts], Radio Times 58 (14 Jan. 1938) 14

Dawes, Frank

‘Alkan’ [review of Lewenthal 1964], Musical Times 106 (1965) 620

Decourcelle, Maurice

La société académique des enfants d’Apollon 1741-1880 (Paris, 1881)

Dieren, Bernard van

‘Down among the dead men’ in Down among the dead men (London, 1935) 12-17

Dille, Denijs

‘L’allegro barbaro de Bartók’, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia: Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12 (1970) 3-9

Ferguson, Howard

‘Alkan, Charles Valentin, Œuvres choisies...’ [review of Beck 1969], Music&Letters 5l (1970) 326

Fétis, François-Joseph

‘Revue critique. C.-V. Alkan.

-1o Marche funèbre pour piano, op. 26.

-2o Marche Triomphale pour piano, op. 27.

-3o Vingt-cinq Préludes dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs pour piano ou orgue, op. 31, en 3 suites.’, Revue et Gazette Musicale 14 (1847) 244-6

Biographie Universelle des Musiciens, vol. 1 (Paris, 1860) 70f.

Ford, Karrin E.

‘The pedal-piano, part III (conclusion): after Schumann’, The Diapason 75/12 (1984) 14f.

‘Alkan and the pédalier’, Piano Quarterly 34/134 (1986) 53-5

François-Sappey, Brigitte (ed.)

Charles Valentin Alkan (Paris, 1991) [Francois-Sappey 199la]

François-Sappey, Brigitte

‘«Le compositeur et son double». L’œuvre pour piano’ in François-Sappey 1991a 63-94 [François-Sappey 199lb]

‘Grande Sonate «Les quatre âges», un destin musical’ in François-Sappey 1991a 95-128 [François-Sappey 199lc] (ed.),

‘Dossier des pièces d’archives’ in François-Sappey 1991a 303-20 [François-Sappey 1991d]

Franke, K.

‘Im Schatten Liszts: Charles Valentin Alkan, Misanthrop unter den Herden seiner Zeit’, Fonoforum 17/4 (1972) 266-9, (1973) 25

Fryklund, Daniel

‘Contribution à la connaissance de la correspondance de Fétis’, Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning 12 (1930) 85-154 esp. 115

Ganvert, Gerard

‘Alkan, musicien français de religion juive’ in François-Sappey 199la 263-82

Gorer, Richard

‘A nineteenth-century French romantic’, The Listener 36 (1946) 688

Guillard, Georges

‘Le piano-pédalier’, Revue Internationale de Musique Française 13 (1984) 61-74

‘L’album d’autographes d’Alfred de beauchesne ou la photographie musicale d’un époque (1835-1870)’, Revue Internationale de Musique Française 22 (1987) 71-80

Gula, Robert

‘Sorabji and Alkan: two important recordings’ [review of SLS 5100], Journal of the American Liszt Society 15 (1984) 152-66 esp. 163-6

H., A. (?)

Talking about music (typescripts of two Radio 3 broadcasts, Jan.-Feb. 1979, in Alkan Society Collection)

Hailstone, Charles

Provisional discography of works by Ch. V. Alkan (typescript, London, 1977, fifth edition, 1990)

Halbreich, Harry

‘La musique de chambre’ in François-Sappey 1991a 203-26

Hennig, Dennis

Charles-Valentin Alkan. An introduction with special reference to the études op. 35 and op. 39 (Oxford B.Phil. thesis, completed 1975)

Himelfarb, Constance

‘Le testament de Charles Valentin Alkan (18 13-1888): un pianiste romantique en faveur du piano-pédalier’, Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande 39 (1986) 199-206

‘Réflexions sur la problématique de la forme dans le piano romantique français: «Le Festin d’Esope», no. 12 des Études dans les tons mineurs op. 39 de C. V. Alkan (1857)’, Analyse Musicale 20(1990) 24-32

‘Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-1888) et César Franck (1822-1890): affinités esthétiques et musicales de deux pianistes-organistes romantiques’ in ‘César Franck et son temps’, special number of Revue Belge de Musicologie 45 (1991) 41-59 [Himelfarb 199la]

‘Chronologie’ in François-Sappey 1991a 13-22 [Himelfarb 1991b]

‘L’interprète à travers la presse musicale’ in François-Sappey 1991a 23-58 [Himelfarb 199lc]

Indy, Vincent d’

‘Impressions musicales d’enfance et dejeunesse: III. adolescence’, Les Annales Politiques et Littéraires 95 (1930) 425-8, 471-4

Jack, Adrian

[concert review], The Independent (March 1988)

Jasinski, R.

‘Karol Henryk Walentyn Alkan’, Ruch Muzyczny 30/11(1986) 26f.

Jensen, Eric

Walls of circumstance: studies in nineteenth-century music (Scarecrow Press, ?1992)

King, Nicholas

‘The enigmatic Charles Alkan and the pedal piano’, Royal College of Music Magazine 82/2 (1986) 69-72

Kreutzer, Léon

‘Revue critique. Compositions de M. V. Alkan’, Revue et Gazette Musicale 13 (1846) 13f.

Labhart, Walter

‘Charles-Valentin Alkan: ein visionärer Außenseiter der französischen Romantick. Ammerkungen zu wenig bekannten Klavierwerken’, Piano-Jahrbuch 1980 (Recklinghausen, 1979) 99-103

,‘Das Visionäre im phantasielos Gemeinen: Anmerkungen zum 100. Todestag des Komponisten C. V. Alkan’, Neue Musikzeitung 37 (1988) 50

Langham Smith, Richard

[review of François-Sappey 199la], Music & Letters 73 (1992) 613-5

Lelie, C.

‘Hondred jaar na de dood van Alkan’, Mens en Melodie 43 (Rotterdam, 1988) 732-41

Lewenthal, Raymond (ed.)

The piano music of Alkan (New York, 1964) v-xx [Lewenthal 1964a]

Lewenthal, Raymond

‘The Berlioz of the piano’, Musical America 84 (Feb. 1964) 44 [Lewenthal 1964b]

,‘In search of Alkan’, Music & Musicians 15/8 (1967) 37

Liszt, Franz

‘Revue critique. Trois morceaux dans le genre pathétique, par C.-V. Alkan. Œuvre 15, 3e Livre des 12 caprices.’, Revue et Gazette Musicale 4 (1837) 460f.

Lockspeiser, Edward

‘Alkan the neglected’, The Listener 19 (1938) 103

Luguenot, François

‘Catalogue de l’œuvre’ in François-Sappey 1991a 283-302 [Luguenot 199la] (ed.),

‘Coups de griffes et pattes de velours à travers la correspondance’ in François-Sappey 1991a 191-202 [Luguenot 199lb]

Luguenot, François & Martin, Laurent

‘Interpréter Alkan’ in François-Sappey 1991a 171-90

Luguenot, François & Saint-Gerand, Jean-Paul

‘C. V. Alkan et G. Sand’in Mélanges offerts à Georges Lubin (Paris, 1991)

MacDonald, Hugh

‘The death of Alkan’, Musical Times 114 (1973) 25

,‘The enigma of Alkan’ [review of Smith 1976], Musical Times 117 (1976), 401f.

‘Alkan [Morhange], (Charles-) Valentin’ in Sadie, Stanley (ed.), The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (London, 1980) vol. 1 260-3

‘More on Alkan’s death’, Musical Times 129 (1988) 118-20 [MacDonald 1988a]

‘Alkan as composer’ [review of Smith 1987], Musical Times 129 (1988) 129f. [MacDonald 1988b]

[talk on Music Weekly, Radio 3, Mar. 1988] [MacDonald 1988c]

‘La voix de l’instrument’ in François-Sappey 1991a 129-40 [expanded version of MacDonald 1988c]

Maher, John

Organ compositions for pedals alone (D.A. dissertation, Ball State University, 1986)

Marmontel, Antoine

‘Ch.-Valentin Alkan’ [ch.12] in Les pianistes célèbres (1878) (Paris, 1878) 118-26 [second edition (1887) 126-34]

Histoire du Piano et de ses origines; influence de la facture sur le style des compositeurs et des virtuoses (Paris, 1885) 350, 453

Marks, Anthony

‘Alkan’ [concert review], Musical Times 129 (1988) 255f.

Marler, Robert

The role of the piano étude in the works of C. V. Alkan (Cincinnati, 1990)

Martin, Laurent [see Luguenot, François]

Mellers, Wilfrid

‘Alkan’s alchemy’, Music & Musicians 36/10 (1988) 34-6

Morrison, Bryce

‘Alkan the mysterious’, Music & Musicians 22/10 (1974) 30-2

‘Pianists’, Music & Musicians 26/1 (1977) 57f.

Motta, José Vianna da

‘Charles H. V. Alkan. Op. 39. Douze études dans tous les tons mineurs’ Der Klavierlehrer 23 (1900)121-3, 137-41

‘Aus C. V. Alkans Leben’, Der Klavierlehrer 23 (1900) 255

‘C. V. Alkan (aîné)’, Allgemeine Musikzeitung 28 (1901) 109f., 125f., 141-3

Niecks, Frederick

‘More glimpses of Parisian pianists of another day. Personal recollections.Ch. V. Alkan’, Monthly Musical Record 48 (1918) 4-7

Nineteenth-Century Music, editors of, [two mock letters], Nineteenth-Century Music 4 (Summer 1980) 80f., 5 (Summer 1981) 91

Pougin, Arthur

‘Nécrologie’, Le Ménéstrel 54 (1888) 120

Rathert, Wolfgang

[review of Schilling 1986], Die Musikforschung 42 (1989) 186-8

Réach, Pierre

‘Un recital Alkan, ou le défi de l’inconnu’ in François-Sappey 1991a 59-62

Sabatier, François

‘L’œuvre d’orgue et de piano-pédalier’ in François-Sappey 1991a 227-52

Sadie, Stanley

‘Three romantic pianists’, The Times (14 Mar. 1970) 3

Saint-Gerand, Jean-Paul [see Luguenot, François]

Schilling, Britta

‘Der Berlioz des Klaviers: zu Unrecht an den Rand der Klaviermusikgeschichte gedrängt? Charles Valentin Alkan’, Neue Zeitschrzftfür Musik 146 (1985) 19-22

‘Virtuose Klaviermusik des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispeil von Charles Valentin Alkan (1813-1888)’, Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung 145 (Gustav Bosse Verlag, Regensburg, 1986) [Schilling 1986a]

‘Zwischen Phantastik, Realismus und Träumerei: Charles Valentin Alkan, ein Komponist der Extreme’, Concerto 3/3 (1986) 49-57 [Schilling 1986b]

‘Charles Valentin Alkan: un solitaire dans le romantisme français’, Romantisme: revue de la société des études romantiques 16 (1987) 33-44

‘De la signification des titres’ in François-Sappey 1991a 141-70

Schonberg, Harold

The great pianists (London, 1964) 197-9 [Schonberg 1964a]

‘Mystery man’, New York Times 114/13 (4 Oct. 1964) sec. 2, reprinted in American Record Guide 31 (1964) 1132

Schumann, Robert

‘Etuden für Pianoforte: C. V. Alkan, 3 große Etuden, op.l5’, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 8 (1838) 167

‘Ch. Valentin Alkan, 6. characteristiche Stücke, op.l6’, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 10 (1839) 167

Searle, Humphrey

‘A plea for Alkan’, Music & Letters 18 (1937) 276-9 ,

‘Alkan (actually Charles Henri Valentin Morhange)’ in Blom, Eric (ed.), Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians (5th edition, 1954) vol. 1 111-3

Shaw, Richard

Charles Valentin Alkan 1813-1888: his life and his early piano works (up to ‘Marche Triomphale’ Op. 27(1844)): a dissertation offered towards the degree of B.Mus. (Hons.) at the University of Edinburgh (typescript, 1974)

Sietz, Reinhold

‘Ein vorläufer von Bartók’s “Allegro Barbaro”’, Die Musikforschung 5 (1952) 370-2

‘Aus Ferdinand Hillers Briefwechsel (1826-1861); Beitrage zu einer Biographie Ferdinand Hillers’, Beitrage zur Rheinischen Musikgeschichte 28 (Cologne, 1958)

‘Aus Ferdinand Hillers Briefwechsel Band II (1862-1869); Beitrage zu einer Biographie Ferdinand Hillers’, Beitrage zur Rheinischen Musikgeschichte 48 (1961) [Sietz 1961a] ‘Morhange-Alkan, Charles Henry Valentin’ in Blume, Friedrich (ed.), Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Kassel, 1961) vol.9, 579 [Sietz 1961b]

‘Aus Ferdinand Hillers Briefwechsel Band III (1870-1875); Beitrage zu einer Biographie Ferdinand Hillers’, Beitrage zur Rheinischen Musikgeschichte 56 (1964)

Sietz, Reinhold & Margaret

‘Der Nachlaß Ferdinand Hillers’ in Stehkämper, Hugo (ed.), Mitteilungen aus dem Stadtarchiv von Köln 59 (Cologne, 1970) 18

Sitsky, Larry

‘Summary notes for a study on Alkan’, Studies in Music (University of Western Australia) 8 (1974) 53-91

Sitwell, Sacheverell

‘Appendix 1: a note upon Alkan’ in Liszt (London, 1934) 329-31

[programme note to LSB 4078] (London, 1969)

Smalley, Roger

‘A case of neglect: two virtuosos’ cadenzas for Beethoven’, Music & Musicians 20/9 (1972) 30-34

Smith, Ronald

‘Charles-Valentin Alkan’, The Listener 86 (1971) 25f.

Alkan. Volume one: the enigma (London, 1976, reprinted 1988)

‘Alkan and Frankenstein’s monster’ [programme note to SLS 5100] (London, 1978)

,‘Alkan’s concerti da camera’, Musical Times 124 (1983) 227-30

Alkan. Volume two: the music (London, 1987)

Société Alkan bulletins 1 (1984) -

Sorabji, Kaikhosru

‘Charles Henri Victorin Morhange (Alkan)’ in Around Music (London, 1932) 213-9

‘Metaphysical motivation in music’ in Mi contra fa (London, 1947) 203-5

Starr, Mark [orchestrations of Op. 39, nos. 4-7, 11 & 12] (New York, 1985)

Concerto for piano and orchestra [orchestration of Op. 39, nos. 8-10] (photocopy, 1987): includes ‘Compendium of critical comments’, ‘The ressurection [sic] of Charles-Valentin Alkan, an international effort’ and ‘Alkan’s piano concerto’.

Tchamkerten, Jacques

‘Autographs inconnus et inédits de C.-V. Alkan a Genève’, Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande 35 (1982) 110-19

Truscott, Harold

[review of Smith 1987], Music & Musicians 36/4 (1987) 51f.

Vansevenant, Kristien

‘Charles-Valentin Alkan: uniek, origineel en toch ... vergeten?’, Adem 19 (Belgium, 1983) 89-93

Wells, John

‘Charles-Valentin Alkan, 1813-1888’ The Diapason 80/11 (1989) 14-16; 80/12 (1989) 22f. [Wells 1989a]

‘Charles Valentin Alkan’, Organist’s Review 75 (1989) 23ff., 107-11 [Wells 1989b]

White, John

‘Alkan the neglected genius’, Piano Journal (European Piano Teachers’ Association) 3/7 (1982) 15-17

‘The Alkan centenary (1988): a time for recognition’, Music Review 49 (1988) 161-8